
13th October 2018

Spa Day

The evenings are drawing in, and the world is winding down as the seasons change… what better way to wind down with it than a spa day beside the sea ?

We transformed the peer at the corner of the sim into a stunning fully equipped spa with everything from jacuzzi, massage tables to a fully functioning hot shower. We sent out the invite for people to join us  for a evening of fun and pampering.

It did not take long for the jacuzzi to fill up , watching the waves crash against the rocks, the bubbles fizzing away as we chatted and laughed with great company and got a chance to catch up with long term friends.

We stayed there relaxing and nattering for some hours, before we all departed relaxed and ready for our beds.

This evening was just what we needed to bring in the new season in the best way possible, with people we love and a practical joke or two from Mr squishy !

13th October 2018