Street Party
When most people think of England they remember the red phone boxes and big red bus in the streets of London and as we like to Party at Dragonfly Lake we wanted to include these things.
I asked Carla to build us a street with a old English style pub and of coarse she got creative and ended up building us a full town in one morning lol
Complete with pub, chocolate shop , houses as well as houses and shops there was nothing left to do but take to the streets of Dragonfly City and Dance so friends came out to play and it didn’t take me long to have everyone on poles in the middle of the road ( with a little help from raven) and we all had a good Giggle while Carla adopted her role of Dj Koala once again and played us some tunes to wiggle to.
We really enjoyed this theme and the build was amazing , cant wait to think up something different for our next Party .