
7th January 2019

New year at Dragonfly Lake

We wanted to see the new year in the right way, so not only did we put fireworks out on our sim for anyone to use through the day but we invited everyone over to VA for a special fireworks display hosted by Carla so that we could merge our celebrations with theirs .

VA or Virtual Ability helps bring people with a wide range of disabilities into Second Life, and provides them with a supporting environment once here.

They help new members integrate into SL society and provide information, encouragement, training, companionship, referrals to other SL resources and groups, ways to contribute back to the community, and ways to have fun.

Feel free to check out more information about them at

It was a amazing to see the new year in with friends on SL celebrating each our for people all over the world, we have a lot planned at Dragonfly lake for 2019 and we can’t wait to be on that journey with you all.

7th January 2019