
15th January 2019

Art gallery hosts Etamae

Yesterday 14th January we have been amazed by the impressive art of our latest exhibitor: Eta. We are very proud to host her work.

Born and bred in the UK the art Eta produces in Secondlife is totally different from what she has accomplished in real. She doesn’t mix the two together, but she loves both.

As she writes:

The ‘ordinary’ is the crux of my artwork, its very essence. That could be a view taken from underwater at sunrise….a statue I have found in a store…or those tiny flowers you find in grass textures.

There are a million little pictures to be found in the big one we live in and they are exactly what inspires me…I am always searching…always enthusiastic…I believe in the little things….

More than 40 people joined us at a very pleasant and immersive opening of her gallery at Dragonfly Lake.

Her art will brighten up our gallery for the next month. It’s well worth paying a visit:

15th January 2019